Friday, February 04, 2005

Triumphs and Travels

Triumphs include:

  • Successful completion of my first assignment, the Science Fiction presentation, which went, much to my delight, extraordinarily well. I managed to stay within the time limit, appear relatively knowledgable, and was even able to answer all the questions at the end of the presentation. Fortunately, they mostly concerned the short stories by Asimov, which I had actually read and could describe in detail, rather than the sunsequent stories by other writers, most of which I had been unable to get ahold of myself, forcing me to rely on the notoriously dubious authority of internet synopses. As I closed up my laptop and went back to my seat, the tutor remarked: "That was a very good presentation." So all in all, success, I believe.
  • Completion of a first and satisfying draft of the proposal for a summer research grant I was nominated to apply for, much to my initial concern, as I had no ideas for a topic to research nor foreseeable time in which to complete the proposal. Duty-bound, however, I was unable to shrug it off, and so it has hung over my head since I learned about it in October, nary a moment to spend on it from then until now. Until two nights ago, actually, when I finally decided to set aside a day and just get the bloody thing overwith so I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Consequently I did a bunch of research, wrote a personal statement and proposal for use, and was much relieved to indeed complete a respectable draft by the end of the day. Sent it off for approval and suggestions to my advisor and others, and am actually excited a bit by the prospect of the project now that I have it all planned out, although it would mean much less time at home this summer, which would be unfortunate. So really, I'll be happy if I get it, and happy if I don't, which is probably the best situation to be in. The basic plan would be to research Fringe Festivals in EUrope, Canada, and the U.S. in order to formulate some kind of report about the process through which they allow people to produce new and experimental work. So we'll see where that goes...
  • Decided for certain my living arrangements for next year--or at least, where I'll apply to live, hoping my application is accepted. I had two options of off-campus houses, both enticing for different reasons, but I eventually decided that while one would probably be a more ideal situation for my personality on a long-term timescale, the other would provide a unique and strengthening situation that I might never have the opportunity to experience again, and was thereby the best choice for my senior year of college. So yet another long-hanging weight lifted this week.
  • Also finished my presentation on the work of a practicing theatre artist (I chose Caryl Churchill, mostly because I preferred a single playwright to a collaborative group, and I've read a few of her plays and knew I could find plenty of information on her, although she turned out to be a very interesting choice, because there's a lot about her situation and style that I found very similar to my own (although of course there are also some major differences)) But anyway, that's another thing I've known I'd have to do for a while, and have finally been able to check off the list.

As for the travels, they're coming up--I leave for Nuthurst in about half an hour. Am looking forward to it mightily, but I should go and pack now, so I shall leave you until my return, when I'm sure I shall have numerous tales of adventure to share. Until then, a wonderful weekend to all!


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