Thursday, May 19, 2005

Sigh of Relief... I hand in my final essays for the term--hurrah! That's three drama reviews, a six-page analytical essay on the structural use of the flashback in Dogs Barking and Top Girls, and a seventeen-page learning log for Creative Drama. Now all I've got left to finish off this term, academically at least, is a Metaphysics exam. Wow. The semester has simply flown by. Today is my day of rest, in which I think I'll start Harry Potter book five so I'll be all prepped for the sixth book coming out on July 16th! Toby has taught me how to bake a Yorkshire Pudding today, which is rather exciting. And last night, after a picnic dinner with the Skeptics folk, a few of us went to the fringe festival to see Bonnie In Brighton, a new play about an American girl who travels abroad and ends up living in Brighton for a year. Her experience differed just slighlty from mine, however, in a few small details, like her coming upon several thousand ecstasy pills and raking in thousands of pounds as a drug dealer, for instance. Other than that kind of stuff, though, quite apt. ;-)

Anyway, just wanted to let any of you who are still reading this thing in on my celebrations today! My friend Savannah, who is in slightly ritzier on-campus accomodations than I, gave me a congratulatory card today with a voucher for a relaxing bath in her flat's tub, complete with bath fizzies, candles, and a glass of wine. Fun. Ooh, I also did actual laundry today, another cause for celebration.

Oh, I did make it to that rabbi's talk on the Tprah perspective of free will, which was quite interesting. Learned lots of things about the orthodox Jewish belief system that I never knew. And the rabbi was quite a funny guy, as well. If you're interested, I'm happy to go into further detail.

That's all for now. Love as always!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz: just doing some catch up on your posts. I've been busy myself with studies, tests, etc. I was interested in your comments about England and being there as compared to when you first arrived! Am so glad for you that it has all become and been such a great experience. I have visited England myself on several occasions and indeed could live there as well...



11:58 PM  

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