Friday, July 08, 2005

Safe But Concerned

For anyone who hasn't been keeping quite exact track of my whereabouts and was worried, I was nowhere near London yesterday morning. I was on a ferry from the Isle of Skye to Harris when we heard the news about the bombings, and are a bit concerned about our departure through the city on Monday, but otherwise ok. Also, of course, we're concerned for those who have been affected, and hope you will join us in praying for them and for the saftey of the city and the world over the next few days.

Turning aside for a moment from the mad things people can somehow manage to do to one another, we have been having a fantastic time in Scotland. We have noticed police in significant force in some places, especially Edinburgh, where a park was bordered with ranks in riot gear, and we heard stories of people being boxed into alleys to keep them contained, and riotting in Stirling disrupted our travel plans a bit by cancelling the busses we were trying to take. But so far our itinerary has continued relatively unimpeded, and has included such events as a ride along the West Highland Railway, as seen in the Harry Potter movies, and I even got my picture taken on the Hogwarts Express. Fun! Yesterday we went out to the Callanish standing stone circle, the largest in Scotland and very awesome, and also nearby two smaller circles which I got to appreciate in quiet and delighted solitude, as the wind swept over the foggy moors. We've met many wonderful people, and are excited for our last few days before our hopefully uneventful return to the States.

Last night we were excited by the presence, in our strangely deserted hostel, of a tv and a stack of videos, as we've been craving some cinematic escapism for quite some time now. We went to the video store across the street, bought several British chocolate bars, some takeaway Thai food, and rented Ocean's Twelve and Wayne's World, and changed into our pajamas, only to discover that the VCR had been broken. So we were reduced to watched bad British TV (the Bill, a cheesy cop show). Alas...


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